10 Bizarre Apps That Somehow Made It to the App Store
Some apps are so strange that it is hard to believe they got approved for the App Store.
- Daisy Montero
- 3 min read

There are useful apps, fun apps, and then there are apps that leave you wondering, “Who even thought of this?” These bizarre creations somehow made it past approval and landed in the hands of curious users. From an app that does absolutely nothing to one that mimics the feeling of shaving, these oddities prove that there is truly an app for everything. Here are 10 of the strangest apps that ever graced the App Store.
1. The App That Does Nothing
Porapak Apichodilok on Wikimedia Commons
This is an app that literally does nothing. You download it, open it, and stare at a blank screen. No sounds, no features—just pure digital emptiness.
2. Virtual Shaving Simulator
Airam Dato-on on Pexels
This app lets you simulate the feeling of shaving without actually removing any hair. The buzzing sound and vibration make it feel real, but that is about all it does.
3. Ghost Detector Radar
Lithium57 on Wikimedia Commons
This app claims to detect ghosts around you using your phone’s sensors. While there is no scientific proof, it still managed to attract ghost hunters and skeptics alike.
4. Hold the Button Challenge
Adrienn on Wikimedia Commons
This app challenges users to do one thing—hold a button for as long as possible. It is a test of patience, with no real reward other than bragging rights.
5. Fake Psychic Readings
Pavel Danilyuk on Wikimedia Commons
This app claims to predict your future but only generates random, often ridiculous answers. Somehow, it still managed to attract a user base.
6. Annoying Sound Generator
Mikael Häggström on Wikimedia Commons
Want to prank your friends? This app produces high-pitched noises that can be unbearable. Although it is marketed as a joke, it has probably caused a few headaches.
7. Broken Screen Prank
Doctor Popular on Wikimedia Commons
This app creates a fake cracked screen effect when you tap it. People used it to prank others, but some reactions were not so funny.
8. The Yo App
Darina Belonogova on Wikimedia Commons
This is an app designed to send one message: “Yo.” That’s it. It had no real purpose, yet it somehow gained traction for a while.
9. I Am Rich (Literally)
Ann H on Pexels
This app costs $999.99 and does nothing except display a glowing icon. It was meant to be a flex for the ultra-rich but was quickly removed from the store.
10. Fake X-Ray Scanner
Nick Smith photography on Wikimedia Commons
This is an app that claims to show an X-ray of your hand but only plays a pre-recorded animation. Despite being obviously fake, many people still downloaded it for fun.