10 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts Every Office Worker Should Know
Learning how to use computer shortcuts is a great way to get more done at work. Cutting down on the need for the mouse lets you quickly move between programs, papers, and web pages. This piece talks about ten important keyboard shortcuts that can help office workers get things done faster and more easily, which will make them more productive all day.
- Tricia Quitales
- 4 min read

With keyboard tools, office workers can speed up their work by doing the same things over and over again in a lot less time. By using these shortcuts, people can quickly move between papers, keep track of their work, and fix mistakes. Here’s a list of basic keyboard shortcuts that everyone who works in an office should know. These short-cuts will help you get things done faster and easier with a little practice.
1. Press Ctrl + C or Command + C to Copy
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Copying information is something we do all the time. To quickly copy text, pictures, or files, don’t right-click with the mouse. Instead, press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac). This shortcut helps you quickly save information for later use and makes it easy to move data between programs.
2. Press Ctrl + V or Command + V to Paste
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You need to paste what you copied where you want it to go. You can quickly paste what you copied into any open file or document by hitting Ctrl + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac). It gets rid of the need to click extra times and makes switching between apps faster.
3. To Undo, Press Ctrl + Z or Command + Z
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When you make a mistake, you can quickly undo what you just did by pressing Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Command + Z (Mac). When editing papers, making presentations, or designing, this shortcut is very useful because it makes it easy to undo changes. That’s right, you don’t have to start over or lose your success.
4. Press Ctrl + Tab or Command + Tab to Switch Between Tabs
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Ctrl + Tab (Windows) or Command + Tab (Mac) makes it easy to switch between tabs or apps that you have open at the same time. This method keeps you from getting distracted by clicking around, so you can do more than one thing at once more easily. It’s especially useful for keeping track of a busy website or many apps at once.
5. Click on “Save” (Ctrl + S on Mac)
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Make it a habit to save your work by pressing Ctrl + S (Windows) or Command + S (Mac). This tool makes sure that you save your work often, so you won’t lose it if your computer crashes or gets interrupted. It’s an easy and quick way to save your work, whether you’re writing an email or making changes to a paper.
6. Use Ctrl + A or Command + A to Select Everything
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Want to pick out everything in a file, folder, or website? To quickly select everything, press Ctrl + A (Windows) or Command + A (Mac). You can use this shortcut to copy, remove, or change a lot of text at once, which saves you time.
7. Press Alt + F4 or Command + Q to Close the Window
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To quickly close an app or window when you’re done with a job, press Alt + F4 (Windows) or Command + Q (Mac). This shortcut makes it easier to handle your open programs because you don’t have to look for the “X” button. It’s a great way to clear up your desk and keep it tidy.
8. Press Ctrl + P or Command + P to Print
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When you’re ready to print on a Mac, press Command + P (or Ctrl + P) to get to the print menu right away. This method saves you time because it lets you skip setting up things. This will help you print photos, reports, or papers faster.
9. Press Ctrl + F or Command + F to Find
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Want to find a certain word or phrase? If you want to use find, press Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command + F (Mac). This shortcut lets you quickly find information on a webpage, paper, or email, so you don’t have to read everything by hand.
10. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to Open Task Manager
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If your computer is slow or won’t react, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc (Windows) to open the Task Manager right away. This tool lets you quickly end programs that aren’t responding and see which tasks are using up system resources. It’s an important tool for fixing problems and making your computer run faster.