10 Outdated Phrases That Used to Be Cool (But Are Cringe Now)
These once-trendy phrases were everywhere, but using them today might make you sound stuck in the past.
- Daisy Montero
- 3 min read

Language evolves, and what was once considered cool can quickly turn into an outdated language. These phrases were all the rage in their time, but might make people cringe today. If you still say them, it might be time to update your vocabulary.
1. What’s the 411?
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This phrase was a staple in the ’90s when people actually called 411 for information. Now, with instant access to everything online, no one asks for the “411” anymore. Saying this today might make you sound like you are trapped in a time capsule.
2. Talk to the Hand
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This sassy comeback ruled the late ’90s thanks to TV shows and teen comedies. If you try using it now, expect eye-rolls instead of laughs. The attitude behind it is still around, but the phrase itself has long retired.
3. All that and a Bag of Chips
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Once a way to hype someone up, this phrase has lost its shine. It might have worked in the 2000s, but now it just sounds cheesy. There are better ways to gas someone up without sounding outdated.
4. You Go, Girl!
Moose Photos on Wikimedia Commons
This phrase was everything in the ’90s, often used to cheer someone on. Today, it feels more like a meme than genuine encouragement. If you want to hype someone up, there are plenty of fresh ways to do it.
5. Don’t Go There!
Andrea Piacquadio on Wikimedia Commons
A dramatic way to shut someone down in the early 2000s, this phrase had its moment. Now, it sounds a little forced and over-the-top. There are smoother ways to dodge an uncomfortable topic.
6. Bling Bling
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This term for flashy jewelry was a hip-hop staple in the early 2000s. However, let’s be real—no one says “bling bling” anymore without sounding ironic. If you still use it, it might be time to let it go.
7. My Bad
Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels
Once the go-to phrase for casual apologies, this one is still around but feels dated. A simple “sorry” works just fine. If you still say, “My bad,” you might be clinging to the past.
8. As If!
Alex Green on Pexels
Made famous by *Clueless, *this phrase was pure ’90s attitude. Saying it now feels like a direct throwback to the movie. Unless you quote Cher Horowitz, it is best left in the past.
9. Whassup?!
Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels
What started as a beer commercial catchphrase took over the early 2000s. Now, using it will likely get confused looks instead of laughs. It is a relic of a very specific era.
10. Cowabunga!
Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Thanks to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this surfer slang had a brief pop culture moment. However, outside of cartoons, it sounds completely out of place today. If you are not a turtle fighting crime, you probably should not be saying it.