10 Unusual But Effective Ways to Get Motivated
Stuck in a rut? These unexpected motivation hacks can kickstart your drive and help you take action.
- Chris Graciano
- 2 min read

Finding motivation isn’t always easy, especially when traditional advice falls flat. Sometimes, unconventional methods can spark energy and push you toward your goals. Here are 10 surprising yet powerful ways to reignite your motivation and get things done.
1. Make a Bet with Yourself
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Nothing sparks motivation like a little personal wager. Promise yourself a reward if you complete a task—or a consequence if you don’t.
2. Watch an Inspiring Movie Scene
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Sometimes, all you need is a cinematic boost. Watching a powerful underdog moment, a sports victory, or a moving speech can ignite determination.
3. Change Your Outfit
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What you wear influences how you feel. Dressing in workout clothes can make you more likely to exercise while putting on professional attire can boost work productivity.
4. Use Reverse Psychology on Yourself
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Tell yourself you don’t have to do the task, and suddenly, you might want to. The brain often resists being told what to do, even by itself.
5. Blast High-Energy Music
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Silence can be demotivating, but the right song can work magic. Upbeat tunes with a strong beat, like eye-of-the-tiger-style anthems, can instantly shift your mood.
6. Start with the Easiest Task
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Big goals can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Instead of tackling the hardest thing first, do something simple—make your bed, send a quick email, or write one sentence.
7. Trick Yourself with a Timer
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Tell yourself you’ll work on something for just five minutes. Once you start, you often continue far longer because getting started is the hardest part.
8. Create a “Rival” in Your Mind
Competition can be a great motivator. Imagine someone else working toward the same goal, whether real or fictional. Challenge yourself to outperform them.
9. Change Your Scenery
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A stale environment can drain your energy. Moving to a different spot, like a coffee shop, a park, or even another room, can refresh your mindset.
10. Picture the Worst-Case Scenario
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Instead of focusing on success, think about what happens if you don’t act. Will you regret missing an opportunity? Will procrastination lead to stress later? Sometimes, fear of a negative outcome is more powerful than the promise of a reward.