10 Ways Technology Divides Couples & 10 Ways It Can Bring Couples Closer
The different effects of technology on couples and how they can either make or break your relationship.
- Cyra Sanchez
- 7 min read

Technology always has pros and cons, and the same applies to its influence on couples. It can make or break your relationship, depending on your use. So when does technology harm your relationship, and how can it help pull you back together? Find out the top 10 toxic ways technology can divide couples and the 10 healthy ways it can bring you closer.
1. Less quality time
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Technology can offer many distractions, from doomscrolling on social media or watching endless reels to playing video games for hours. While it’s healthy to spend time by yourself, too much use of technology can make you forget your partner’s needs. As a result, you may end up spending less quality time together, which can push you to drift apart.
2. Poor listening skills
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When you’re distracted, it’s hard to pay attention to what your partner says or does. This leaves you feeling clueless and makes your partner feel insignificant to you. You may try to stop and listen, but your mind is still thinking about those digital distractions; with this, your relationship will drift apart.
3. Lack of communication
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Distractions also prevent proper communication. You might dismiss each other’s concerns or tell them to wait until you’re ready to discuss things with them. This shows that you prioritize your technology usage more than resolving conflict in your relationship.
4. Social media influence
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Social media can influence you whether you notice it or not; this mainly refers to those “#CoupleGoals” posts or relationship vlogs you might encounter. Depending on the content you consume, you may develop different expectations for your relationship. This can be unhealthy for you and your partner, as those expectations are often unrealistic.
5. Trust issues
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Thanks to technology, there are more ways to communicate than ever. However, this also means unfaithful people can find more ways to lie or cheat behind their partner’s backs; it’s because of technology that the term “micro-cheating” was born. This can create doubts in your relationship, which may ruin your trust in each other.
6. Reduced intimacy
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When you’re too occupied by technology, your intimacy will drop. That’s because you no longer connect physically and emotionally. This implies that you often miss out on the chance to give your partner a hug, a quick kiss, or even five minutes to cuddle in bed. Given how important intimacy is in any relationship, you’ll quickly drift apart if you keep prioritizing using technology more.
7. Neglecting responsibilities
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If you’re too busy with your devices, you may forget some of your responsibilities. This may cause your partner to feel frustrated, especially if they take on the burden you were supposed to handle. Other than upsetting your partner, this poor habit can also affect your health, career, and relationships.
8. Kills emotional connection
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One of the fastest ways to disconnect from your partner is to ignore them constantly. If you’re always on your phone or gadgets, you’ll lose the chance to stay emotionally in touch with your partner. You may be too busy building connections with other people online, but in exchange, you’re neglecting your partner’s emotional needs.
9. Mood swings caused by addiction
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Losing sleep while scrolling endlessly on social media is a common symptom of technology addiction. That said, lack of sleep could lead to mood swings that may affect the quality of your relationship. For example, you might unintentionally say mean things or react harshly towards your partner, making them question their value in your relationship and causing you to drift apart.
10. Being unable to meet each other’s needs
Overall, using technology too much will result in neglecting your partner’s needs; you may even neglect yourself. This creates an unhealthy setting for your relationship, which may cause your partner to leave at some point.
As bad as technology can affect relationships, it can still offer 10 positive ways to bring couples closer together. Find out how below.
1. Enhances your long-distance intimacy
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Technology can close the distance between couples who can’t be together at all times. Through regularly texting, sending photos of each other, calling each other, or virtually spending time together, you can keep your intimacy alive. The longing remains, but it also keeps you both looking forward to meeting each other; that’s what technology is helpful for.
2. Access to romantic ideas to surprise your partner
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Technology can have your back if you want to make it up to your partner for the times you couldn’t listen to them appropriately. The fact you’re reading this article right now is a great example; it means you know where to find the right ideas to win back your love. So don’t waste your chance; look for romantic ideas online to surprise your partner; this will show that you care about them and want to make your relationship grow closer again.
3. More options to stay in touch when you’re apart
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Instead of viewing technology as a hindrance, use it as a bridge that connects you and your partner. For starters, you could send them funny memes, cute animal videos, or anything you see online that may remind you of them. It shows that you’re still thinking of your partner even if you are busy with your devices or even when you’re geographically apart.
4. It can motivate you to be a better partner
Social media can influence your ideas about relationships over time, but it all depends on the content you consume. So, following the right, healthy pages that bring positive thoughts could help motivate you to do better in your relationship. To simplify, instead of comparing your relationship with all those social media couples, you can use them as positive role models.
5. You can show off your relationship to the world
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If technology creates doubt and trust issues in your relationship, you can use technology to clear those negative factors away. You can show off your partner online, post about how much you love them, and clarify that you’re exclusively meant for each other. This may put your partner’s mind at ease and help you rebuild the trust in your relationship.
6. Allows you to enjoy each other’s alone time
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Everyone needs time to maintain their individuality; this also applies to couples. Instead of viewing your partner’s use of technology as a threat to your relationship, you should consider the possibility that they might need some time alone. Proper communication saves the day, so clarify things with your partner before you enjoy your “me” time.
7. Teaches you to manage your time efficiently
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Even if your partner understands that you need time alone and that you use technology for that, you still need to manage your time efficiently. This ensures balance in your lifestyle so you don’t neglect your partner’s needs. As you master this approach, you can prove how dedicated and responsible you are in your relationship.
8. It’s easier to find shared interests you can connect with
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Nowadays, anyone can enjoy technology; most people you meet have social media accounts, which you can use to your advantage. Unless your partner rarely uses the internet, you should try observing what they consume online and what they like and use those interests to connect with them. This reassures your partner that you use technology in ways that also benefit your relationship.
9. Keeps you both in a good mood when used appropriately
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If you use technology moderately, you can avoid its adverse side effects. So, if you’re still getting enough sleep and proper rest by limiting your time using your devices, your emotions will become more stabilized. You can avoid snapping at your partner because you’re no longer irritable.
10. Taking advantage of the five text love languages
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With technology, you can take advantage of 5 texting love languages written by Dr. Mimi Winsberg; according to her book, those are giving compliments, riffing (rapid-fire banter), spoon-feeding (sending random texts or updates), nooking (sweet nothings or flirting), and nudging (texts that show you remember your partner.) If you start practicing one of these methods, you can make your partner feel like you’re back to your romantic dating stage.
- Tags:
- love
- Relationships
- Technology
- Dating
- Couples