15 Surprising Things That Can Affect Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which your body turns food into energy. A lot of things affect how fast or slow this process goes. You may already know that what you eat and how much you work out can change your metabolism, but other things can do the same thing. You can choose better ways to keep your metabolic rate healthy if you know these things.

  • Tricia Quitales
  • 5 min read
15 Surprising Things That Can Affect Your Metabolism
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The process of metabolism is complicated and is affected by many factors. Lifestyle choices like diet and exercise are known to affect your metabolic rate, but there are also some surprising things, like stress and the way you sleep, that can also have an effect. This article talks about 15 surprising things that can either speed up or slow down your metabolism. By being aware of these factors, you can make smarter choices about how to naturally speed up your metabolism.

1. Lack of Sleep

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A bad night’s sleep can mess up your metabolism, making it harder for your body to break down food. Not getting enough sleep can also make you hungrier and want unhealthy foods more, slowing your metabolism. To keep your metabolic rate healthy, you need to get enough rest.

2. Stress

 Anna Shvets on Pexels Anna Shvets on Pexels

Stress that lasts for a long time makes the hormone cortisol come out, making you store more fat and slowing your metabolism over time. Poor eating habits and not being active can also be caused by stress. These things slow down metabolism. Managing your stress with exercise or meditation can help your metabolism stay on track.

3. Age

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Body fat and hormonal changes cause your metabolism to slow down as you age. This can make it harder to maintain a healthy weight and energy level. However, this slowdown can be prevented by staying active and maintaining muscle mass through strength training.

4. Genetics

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Something that makes your metabolism fast or slow is in your genes. Some people may naturally have a faster metabolism than others because of the traits they got from their parents. Even though you can’t change your genes, knowing this can help you control your expectations and change your lifestyle.

5. Hormonal Imbalance

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Hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and other hormonal imbalances can slow down the metabolism. These imbalances make it harder for the body to properly store fat and control energy. Regular checkups and medical help for any hormonal problems can help your metabolic health.

6. Caffeine Consumption

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Caffeine can temporarily speed up your metabolism; coffee or tea can speed up your metabolism for a short time, but the effect usually goes away quickly. You should watch how much caffeine you take in because too much can make you anxious or keep you from sleeping.

7. Temperature

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It takes more work for your body to keep its temperature stable, which can slow down your metabolism. When it’s cold outside, your body must burn more calories to stay warm. In the same way, being in a hot place can speed up your metabolism slightly as your body tries to cool down.

8. Meal Timing

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How your body breaks down food can be greatly affected by when you eat. Your metabolism will stay active if you eat small meals often, but it will slow down if you wait a long time between meals. Planning your meals so you don’t get too hungry can help keep your energy levels steady and your metabolism in check.

9. Dehydration

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Your metabolism can slow down even if you are only slightly dehydrated. The body needs water for many functions, like digestion and energy production. Consuming enough water throughout the day can help your metabolism work well and burn more fat.

10. Muscle Mass

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When you don’t do anything, having more muscle mass makes your body burn more calories. Muscles need more energy than fat to stay healthy, so getting stronger naturally makes your metabolism faster. Strength training is a good thing to do every day for faster metabolism and to build muscle.

11. Fasting or Skipping Meals

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Even though skipping meals often can slow your metabolism, intermittent fasting has become popular. If you don’t eat long, your body may go into “starvation mode,” which saves energy. To keep your metabolism going strong and stop it from slowing down, it’s important to stick to a balanced eating schedule.

12. Certain Medications

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Some drugs, like birth control, steroids, and antidepressants, can change your hormone levels or appetite, which can affect your metabolism. These medicines might make you gain weight or burn fat more slowly. If you are worried about how your medicines affect your metabolism, talk to your doctor about other options or changes.

13. High-Intensity Workouts

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Through high-intensity interval training, your metabolism can go up even after working out. It is known that HIIT exercises make the afterburn effect stronger. This means that even after you stop working out, your body will still burn more calories. The more you do this kind of exercise, the faster your metabolism will be.

14. Alcohol Consumption

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There is evidence that drinking a lot of alcohol can slow down your metabolism. The body gives more energy to break down alcohol than other nutrients, making it harder to digest and process food. If you drink alcohol in moderation and with a healthy meal, it will have less of an effect on your metabolism.

15. Nutrient Deficiencies

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A slow metabolism can happen if you don’t get enough minerals and vitamins. Iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins are some nutrients your body needs to make energy and use it. Ensuring you eat a well-balanced diet full of these nutrients can help your metabolism work at its best.

Written by: Tricia Quitales

Tricia is a recent college graduate whose true passion lies in writing—a hobby she’s cherished for years. Now a Content Writer at Illumeably, Tricia combines her love for storytelling with her fascination for personal growth. She’s all about continuous learning, taking risks, and using her words to connect with and inspire others.

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