20 First Date Red Flags That Actually Mean Nothing

Shocking first date red flags that might just be a false alarm.

  • Cyra Sanchez
  • 8 min read
20 First Date Red Flags That Actually Mean Nothing
Katerina Holmes from Pexels

They say that first impressions last, but what if you only saw the wrong side of someone during your first date? Sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and that’s why some red flags on a first date might actually just be a couple of false alarms. So before you ring the alarm bells and run away from your date, find out in this article which common red flags might have been just a misunderstanding.

1. Lots of awkward silences


Silence can be unbearable especially when you’re sitting in front of someone you just met. So naturally, your mind might start thinking of the worst-case scenarios even when nothing has happened yet. But remember, it’s normal to go silent on a first date, even more so if you’re meeting someone who might just be socially anxious.

2. You catch them staring a lot

Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Some people might consider it a red flag when their first date keeps staring at them. But take a moment to observe, are they staring out of maliciousness, or are they staring with admiration in their eyes? It can be easy to misread someone since you still don’t know them, but sometimes, some people can’t help but stare or steal glances when they’re attracted to you.

3. They get distracted by their phone

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It’s a habit for many people to check their phones no matter where they are or what they’re doing. This is even more common when you find yourself in a boring or awkward situation where you just want to distract yourself. However, if your date does this, it doesn’t always mean that they’re a red flag, instead, they might just have a hard time opening up to you.

4. They ask a lot of questions

Andres Ayrton from Pexels Andres Ayrton from Pexels

To some people, they might feel their privacy is being invaded when their first date asks too many questions. While this is understandable, you should also consider that your partner might just be a little excited to get to know you more. In that case, you can ask your date to slow down first, and if they’re not a walking red flag, they will listen and do their best to take it easy with you.

5. They share too much information

Gustavo Fring from Pexels Gustavo Fring from Pexels

If they’re not asking too many questions, sometimes they overshare about themselves, but this isn’t always a red flag. While this might create the impression that your date is too self-centered, sometimes, they might just suck at socializing. In some cases, it could be their first time trying to connect with someone romantically, so the only way they can try to do that is by talking about what they know best, which is themselves.

6. They don’t seem too interested

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You’ve been trying to brighten up the conversation and all you get in return is a very dry response. This doesn’t mean your first date is a red flag, it could just mean one thing: they’re simply not interested in you. In that case, you just have to get up and meet someone else who you are more compatible with. 

7. They leave early

cottonbro studio from Pexels cottonbro studio from Pexels

It’s commonly said that leaving early is a red flag for a first date. But what if they just didn’t connect with you and they didn’t want to waste both of your time and decided to cut your date short? Sure, they could show politeness and stay longer, but then they’d only show fake interest toward you out of politeness and not out of true interest.

8. They’re late

Andres Ayrton from Pexels Andres Ayrton from Pexels

Anyone would want to show up on time for their first date. However, things can go wrong at any moment in life and not everything will always follow the plan perfectly. Sometimes, your first date is late not because they’re a red flag, but perhaps they just got caught in bad traffic.

9. You have opposite personalities

Katerina Holmes from Pexels Katerina Holmes from Pexels

Just because they don’t share your hobbies and interests, doesn’t make them a red flag. For some reason, people will tell you to run away if your first date’s personality is too different from yours. Of course, you can reject them if you’re simply not into them, but calling them a red flag might be too much if they didn’t do anything wrong.

10. They’re vocal about their boundaries

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It can be overwhelming when your first date instantly discusses boundaries with you. But if their points are logical enough, you can simply ask them to slow down and respect your boundaries too. Some people instantly talk about their limitations as a way to protect themselves and that shouldn’t automatically turn them into a red flag, if anything, they might just want to be transparent with you.

11. They can’t hold eye contact

cottonbro studio from Pexels cottonbro studio from Pexels

It can be awkward when the person you’re speaking to can’t even look you in the eye. Some may say they’re hiding something suspicious or they’re lying to you about something. But once again, that’s not always the case, your first date might just be shy or awkward and that doesn’t make them a red flag.

12. They ask about your financial status

Katerina Holmes from Pexel Katerina Holmes from Pexel

Not everyone’s comfortable when it comes to sharing details about their financial security, so when your first date asks about this, you may wonder if they plan on robbing you, scamming you, or even mocking you if you don’t meet their standards. However, some people may ask this on a first date to see if you’re financially stable enough to keep up with their lifestyle if you end up dating, and that’s not always a red flag but it may just only be a precaution for both parties. 

13. Mentioning their ex

Corey Dupree from Pexels Corey Dupree from Pexels

No one wants to hear all about someone else’s ex and that’s why some people call this a red flag on a first date. But sometimes, your first date may only bring it up when prompted and they might have a good reason to do so, such as sharing information to help you understand their personality. It’s only a red flag when they talk about their ex all the time.

14. They pay more attention to other people

cottonbro studio from Pexels cottonbro studio from Pexels

If your first date is constantly looking at your surroundings, like the restaurant staff or the other people inside, that doesn’t necessarily make it a red flag. Perhaps, they’re just not interested in you or they feel extremely anxious and that’s okay. It’s normal if their lack of focus also offends, in that case, you can simply cut the date short to save each other’s time.

15. Your beliefs don’t align

Viktoria Slowikowska from Pexels Viktoria Slowikowska from Pexels

Just because your first date has different beliefs doesn’t automatically make them a red flag, it only means they were most likely raised with that belief system just as you were raised with your belies system. For example, you may have been raised under different religions. To you, this might be something you heavily disapprove of and that’s okay, you should prioritize your boundaries more than adjusting to everyone you meet. 

16. They didn’t dress well enough for the date

Viktoria Slowikowska from Pexels Viktoria Slowikowska from Pexels

Let’s be honest, some people call it a red flag when someone’s outfit doesn’t meet their expectations on a first date. That’s fair, after all, everyone has different standards. But once again, your first date might just prefer dressing simple or they might not have access to better clothes at the moment and it’s not something you can should judge them for.

17. You don’t share the same humor

cottonbro studio from Pexels cottonbro studio from Pexels

Some people like dad jokes, some people like smart puns, and others can just be a wild mix of anything else. Different people have different kinds of humor and if your first date’s sense of humor doesn’t match yours, it doesn’t automatically make them a red flag. It’s only a red flag if they’re making rude jokes about you or alarming jokes that involve causing harm to someone.

18. They have a unique sense of fashion

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Instead of not dressing well enough, what if your first date ends up going overboard and their sense of fashion looks extreme to you? Once again, the public is quick to call something a red flag if it doesn’t meet their normal standards. However, this is a reminder not to judge a book by its cover, your first date might just have a different way of expressing themselves through fashion.

19. They’re not flirting back

cottonbro studio from Pexels cottonbro studio from Pexels

When your first date is too polite, some may take it as a red flag, wondering why they’re not showing any interest. However, keep in mind that some people are just generally serious or too composed during the first meeting and that doesn’t make them a red flag. Give it some time, they might just need to know you better before they are comfortable flirting back.

20. They jump straight to deep topics

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Some people have a hard time opening up right away so they prefer keeping things casual at first, but some people can’t stand small talk at all. Thus, they might dive straight into discussing deep topics with you even on the first date. They’re not a red flag for this, they just have a different approach to socializing and that’s completely normal.

Written by: Cyra Sanchez


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