20 Fun Super Bowl Prop Bets to Make Your Party More Exciting
Turn your Super Bowl party into a wild game of predictions with these 20 fun and unexpected prop bets!
- Sophia Zapanta
- 6 min read

The Super Bowl is more than just football—it’s about the food, the halftime show, and the wild bets you make with friends. Prop bets add an extra layer of excitement, letting you wager on everything from the coin toss to the color of the Gatorade shower. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just there for the snacks, these bets will keep everyone on the edge of their seats.
1. Coin Toss Chaos
Brian M. Wilbur on Wikimedia Commons
Before the game even starts, bet on whether the coin toss lands on heads or tails. It’s a pure 50/50 shot, but somehow it feels like life or death. Bonus bet: Will the team that wins the toss go on to win the game? Every year, some die-hard fan insists there’s a pattern—there isn’t.
2. First Touchdown Scorer
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Pick a player and hope they’re the first to cross the goal line. Will it be the star quarterback, a random tight end, or—plot twist—a defensive player? Nothing feels better than calling it right and rubbing it in everyone’s face. If your pick doesn’t even get the ball, just pretend you never made the bet.
3. National Anthem Length
Keith Allison on Wikimedia Commons
How long will the singer hold that final note? Some belt it out like their life depends on it, while others keep it short and sweet. Keep a stopwatch handy and prepare for dramatic gasps. Bonus bet: Will they mess up the lyrics?
4. First Commercial to Air
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Which brand will dominate the first commercial break—beer, cars, or some random crypto company? If you bet on a weird one like insurance and win, you’ll look like a genius. Everyone watches the first commercial intently, as if it holds the key to the universe. Expect chaos if two ads air at the same time.
5. Gatorade Bath Color
Keith Allison on Wikimedia Commons
What color Gatorade will be dumped on the winning coach? Orange is a classic, but blue and yellow have been sneaky contenders. If you pick an outrageous color like purple and win, you get instant bragging rights. Bonus bet: Will the coach see it coming or take the full hit?
6. Will the Halftime Show Have a Wardrobe Malfunction?
Lance Cpl. Matthew Bragg on Wikimedia Commons
The halftime show has had its fair share of, let’s say, “unplanned moments.” Some years, everything goes smoothly, and other times, someone’s stylist gets fired. If it happens, expect social media to explode in seconds. Bonus bet: Will the internet argue if it was on purpose?
7. Player to Cry First
Keith Allison on Wikimedia Commons
It could be tears of joy, frustration, or just too much sweat in the eyes. Some players get emotional before the game even starts. A dramatic post-game interview with watery eyes still counts. If nobody cries, we all lose.
8. Will There Be a Trick Play?
Arnie Papp on Wikimedia Commons
A fake punt, a surprise quarterback sneak, or even a receiver throwing a touchdown? Some teams go full circus mode under pressure. If you bet on it and it happens, you get to act like a football genius. If the coach plays it safe, prepare for disappointment.
9. Will the MVP Thank God First?
All-Pro Reels on Wikimedia Commons
The Super Bowl MVP speech is always a mix of gratitude and shoutouts. Some thank their teammates, others go straight to God, and a few just yell something incoherent. If they thank their mom first, they automatically respect her. If they forget to thank anyone, yikes.
10. First Challenge Flag Thrown
Arnie Papp on Wikimedia Commons
Which coach will be the first to lose their mind and demand a replay? Some do it out of genuine belief, others just for the drama. If it’s a hilariously bad challenge, even better. Bonus bet: Will they win or waste a timeout?
11. Will a Kicker Miss an Extra Point?
Stephen Luke on Wikimedia Commons
It should be the easiest part of the game, yet somehow, kickers manage to miss at the worst moments. The stadium goes silent, Twitter explodes, and the kicker contemplates their life choices. If you bet “yes” and it happens, you’ll feel like Nostradamus. If they make every kick, just pretend you never bet on it.
12. Will a Fan Run Onto the Field?
Eugene Oliver on Wikimedia Commons
It’s a Super Bowl tradition—somebody always gets a little too excited (or intoxicated). If security tackles them quickly, it’s a letdown. However, if they juke security like a running back, they become instant legends. Bonus bet: Will they be wearing clothes?
13. Will the Broadcast Show Taylor Swift?
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If she’s there supporting her football-playing boyfriend, you know the cameras will find her. Some networks overdo it, cutting to her reaction every five seconds. If she does a dance or sings along, that’s bonus points. If she’s a no-show, all bets are off.
14. Over/Under on Total F-Bombs
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Between hot mic moments and frustrated players, the F-word always makes an appearance. The real question is: how many? If there’s a controversial call, expect the count to skyrocket. If the game is boring, the commentators might be the ones slipping up.
15. Will Someone Propose on the Field?
Terrance Barksdale on Pexels
A championship ring isn’t the only ring that might be given out. Some players take the moment to pop the question, while others wait for a less chaotic setting. If it happens, expect a mix of “aww” and eye-rolls. If they get rejected, we all lose.
16. Will There Be a Safety?
Terrance Barksdale on Pexels
A safety is rare, but when it happens, it’s absolute chaos. The crowd doesn’t always know what’s going on, but they cheer anyway. If you bet on it and it hits, you look like a genius. If it doesn’t, nobody even remembers you made that bet.
17. Will the Winning Coach Be Drenched in Confetti?
Insancipitory on Wikimedia Commons
Some coaches embrace it; others try to run. If they get emotional in the moment, bonus points. If the confetti gets in their mouth mid-interview, hilarious. If they dodge it completely, they are officially a magician.
18. Will a Non-QB Throw a Pass?
All-Pro Reels on Wikimedia Commons
Running backs and wide receivers sometimes decide they want in on the passing action. If it works, it’s highlight-reel material. If it fails, their coach’s blood pressure skyrockets. Either way, it’s fun to watch.
19. Will There Be a Defensive Touchdown?
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Pick-sixes and scoop-and-scores are game-changers. If it happens early, momentum swings fast. If it seals the game, instant classic. If your team is on the receiving end, heartbreak.
20. Will Someone Accidentally Call It the ‘World Series’?
Super Bowl 50 on Wikimedia Commons
Every year, some commentator, player, or random celebrity guest messes up and calls it the wrong name. It’s football, not baseball, but old habits die hard. If you catch it first, you earn bragging rights. If nobody messes up, well, there’s always next year.
- Tags:
- Football
- Bets
- Super Bowl
- party
- Fun