20 Tips for Reducing Energy Costs at Home
Here are some ways to lower electric bill expenses.
- Cyra Sanchez
- 5 min read

It starts with simple habits, like turning off lights when they are not in used, sealing drafts and using energy efficient appliances, such as smart thermostats and LED bulbs, which can provide long-term savings for very little work. Regular maintenance of HVAC systems and unplugging electronics when not active help, too, leading to lower utility bills.
1. Embrace Natural Light
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Why not stop letting the sun do all the heavy lifting? Calories are a unit of energy we get from food and drink, including what we consume; as a result of opening your curtains during the day, your home gets illuminated naturally and reduces the necessity of turning your lights. This easy habit reduces electricity use and pays homage to warmth and cheer in your living spaces.
2. Unplug Idle Electronics
Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels
Have you heard of energy vampires hiding in your home? Chargers, microwaves, and other devices use electricity even when you are not using them. This drains energy we don’t need, leading to a noticeable decrease in your bill when you unplug them.
3. Opt for Energy-Efficient Appliances
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Would you like to upgrade your devices at home? Opting for high-energy-efficiency-rated appliances will consume only the electricity they need to work as well as they should. These wise decisions can substantially minimize your house’s energy consumption over time.
4. Seal Those Drafts
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Are you feeling a chill around your windows and doors? Drafts can allow hot air to escape, sending your heating system into overdrive. Sealing drafts with weatherstripping or caulk keeps your home cozy and cuts heating costs.
5. Use Ceiling Fans Wisely
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Do you think ceiling fans are only for summer? In winter, running them at low speed in a clockwise direction circulates warm air, reducing the need for additional heat. This smart use of fans can save energy year-round.
6. Wash Clothes in Cold Water
Sarah Chai on Pexels
You don’t always need hot water for clean laundry. Cold water cycles require less energy to heat water, and modern detergents are formulated to work well at lower temperature cycles. This method keeps your clothes wearable longer and reduces energy costs.
7. Install Low-Flow Showerheads
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Can’t get enough of long showers but hate the high bills? Low-flow showerheads can help use less water without sacrificing pressure. Less water means you will need much less energy to heat it, saving on your water and energy bills.
8. Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance
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Is your heating and cooling system operating efficiently? Like almost all machines, an air conditioner requires regular maintenance to deliver optimum performance and prevent energy wastage. A good-quality system with regular maintenance is effective and reduces energy bills.
9. Utilize Smart Power Strips
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Sick of unplugging multiple devices? Smart power strips identify idle electronics and shut off their power. Doing this eliminates phantom energy usage and makes it easier to conserve energy.
10. Cook with Lids On
Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Want to speed up your cooking? Lids help keep heat in, so food cooks faster and energy is conserved. This easy kitchen trick makes cooking quicker and cheaper.
11. Set Your Refrigerator to Optimal Temperatures
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Is your fridge working harder than it should be? Keeping it at the recommended temperature keeps food fresh without unnecessarily using energy. Correct settings help avoid overcooling and lower power use.
12. Take Advantage of Off-Peak Energy Rates
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Are you flexible with your schedule? Many utility providers offer lower rates during off-peak hours. Using high-energy appliances during these times can yield quick savings.
13. Use Task Lighting
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Why light up the whole room? Directing light as needed, such as down at reading lamps or up under cabinet lights, minimizes overall energy use. This approach, targeting illumination, allows it to go low with the expenses.
14. Defrost Freezers Regularly
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Seen a lot of ice develop in your freezer? In excess, frost causes it to work harder to keep cold temperatures. Cleaning and defrosting regularly make them work better and consume less energy.
15. Plant Shade Trees
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Are you seeking natural climate control? Plant trees strategically around your home to provide shade in summer and windbreaks in winter. This environmentally friendly solution can lower heating and cooling costs in the long term.
16. Use Energy-Efficient Window Treatments
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Do you think curtains are only about privacy? Insulated drapes or blinds help regulate indoor temperatures by blocking heat during the warmer months and keeping warmth in during the colder months. These treatments also add comfort and help save energy.
17. Limit Space Heater Use
Lisa Fotios on Pexels
Are you using space heaters to stay warm? They are known to use copious amounts of energy. Running them only in occupied rooms and sparingly prevents energy waste.
18. Opt for Laptops Over Desktops
Mikhail Nilov on Pexels
Deciding between a laptop and a desktop computer? Laptops are relatively more power-efficient and consume less energy while running, which can result in less electricity consumption, particularly for heavy computer users.
19. Install a Programmable Thermostat
Erik Mclean on Pexels
Do you need to control your home’s temperature precisely? Programmable thermostats let you set certain temperatures at certain times of day, so you don’t waste energy heating or cooling a home when it isn’t needed. This customizes comfort and lowers utility bills.
20. Educate Household Members
August de Richelieu on Pexels
Are your family members signing on to energy-saving practices? These tips help reduce energy consumption collectively when we all contribute on our part to make a difference. A team effort can help everyone stick to the energy-saving habits learned along the way, ensuring this translates to ongoing savings.