20 Ways to Keep Your Thyroid Working Well

Unlock the secrets to a thriving thyroid and vibrant health with these simple, powerful tips!

  • Alyana Aguja
  • 5 min read
20 Ways to Keep Your Thyroid Working Well
Khyta from Unsplash

Your thyroid is a very small but mighty gland that plays a critical role in your overall health, affecting metabolism, energy, and mood. Simple lifestyle changes—nutrient-rich foods, ways to manage stress, and keeping informed about potential disruptors—support its optimal function. Arm yourself with these 20 easy and practical tips to keep your thyroid thriving and your body balanced!

1. Eat Iodine-Rich Foods

Paul Levesley from Unsplash Paul Levesley from Unsplash

Your thyroid needs iodine to produce its hormones. To ensure proper thyroid function, add foods such as seaweed, iodized salt, and fish to your diet. But do not overdo it; too much iodine can damage your thyroid.

2. Include Selenium-Rich Foods

Pawel Czerwinski from Unsplash Pawel Czerwinski from Unsplash

Selenium is necessary for the metabolism of thyroid hormones. Brazil nuts, eggs, and sunflower seeds are rich in this essential nutrient. A few nuts a day can keep your selenium levels up.

3. Limit Soy Intake

Meredith Petrick from Unsplash Meredith Petrick from Unsplash

Soy products may interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormones. If you have soy, balance it with sources of iodine. Only in moderation will you avoid a possible thyroid interference.

4. Watch Your Zinc

 David Foodphototasty from Unsplash David Foodphototasty from Unsplash

Zinc helps facilitate the production of hormones by the thyroid. Rich sources of zinc include oysters, beef, and pumpkin seeds. You ensure you get enough of this mineral through a balanced diet.

5. Hydrate

 Eugene Chystiakov from Unsplash Eugene Chystiakov from Unsplash

Proper hydration helps sustain general metabolism and thyroid function. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to keep your thyroid healthy. Dehydration slows down all hormonal processes in your body.

6. Avoid Excess Fluoride and Chlorine

 Imani from Unsplash Imani from Unsplash

Fluoride and chlorine can interfere with iodine binding to the thyroid. If your drinking water is treated with fluoride and chlorine, utilize a water filter that reduces exposure. Knowing your surroundings is a simple but effective step.  

7. Balance Your Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

 ANIRUDH from Unsplash ANIRUDH from Unsplash

Omega-3s prevent inflammation, which impacts the thyroid. Eat fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts while limiting processed foods containing high amounts of omega-6s. This balance can support optimal thyroid health.

8. Eat Cruciferous Vegetables in Moderation

 Reinaldo from Unsplash Reinaldo from Unsplash

Vegetables such as broccoli and kale are healthy but can interfere with iodine uptake when consumed raw in large amounts. Cooking them reduces their goitrogenic properties, ensuring you get the benefits without risking thyroid health.

9. Reduce Stress Levels

 Stefan Spassov from Unsplash Stefan Spassov from Unsplash

Chronic stress can inhibit thyroid function and even cause hormonal imbalances. Engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. Maintaining a low level of stress will enable your thyroid to function well.

10. Get Sufficient Rest

 Hamza Bounaim from Unsplash Hamza Bounaim from Unsplash

Lack of quality sleep will interfere with your body’s hormonal balance, even the thyroid hormones. Seek 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to regenerate. Maintaining regular sleep hygiene keeps your endocrine system in balance.

11. Exercise Frequently

 bruce mars from Unsplash bruce mars from Unsplash

Exercise balances hormones and supports metabolism, which helps the thyroid. Find exercises you like, such as walking, swimming, or yoga. Moving regularly keeps your thyroid and overall health in rhythm.

12. Check for Food Sensitivities

 Nikolai Chernichenko from Unsplash Nikolai Chernichenko from Unsplash

Gluten and dairy intolerance can cause autoimmune thyroid disease, such as Hashimoto’s disease. Pay attention to how your body reacts to these foods and consult a healthcare provider if necessary. Changing your diet can make a huge difference.

13. Avoid Processed Foods

 Eaters Collective from Unsplash Eaters Collective from Unsplash

Processed foods contain unhealthy fats and sugars that interfere with healthy thyroid function. Replace them with whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. This helps your thyroid and overall health.

14. Keep Up with Vitamin D Levels

Maria Kozyr from Unsplash Maria Kozyr from Unsplash

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to thyroid disorders. Get regular sun exposure and eat fortified foods or supplements if needed. A simple blood test can help determine your levels.

15. Avoid Toxins and Endocrine Disruptors

 Eino from Unsplash Eino from Unsplash

Chemicals in plastics, cosmetics, and cleaning products can interfere with thyroid hormones. Opt for natural or organic alternatives when possible. Minimizing exposure reduces your risk of thyroid imbalances.

16. Test for Heavy Metals

Vinitha V from Unsplash Vinitha V from Unsplash

Exposure to heavy metals like mercury can impair thyroid function. Avoid high-mercury fish and consider detoxifying under medical supervision if necessary. Testing helps identify and address hidden risks.

17. Quit Smoking

 Andres Siimon from Unsplash Andres Siimon from Unsplash

Cigarettes contain thiocyanate, which can interfere with iodine uptake by the thyroid. Quitting smoking improves not only your thyroid health but also your overall well-being. Every smoke-free day is a step toward a healthier thyroid.

18. Regularly Monitor Your Thyroid Levels

Eben Kassaye from Unsplash Eben Kassaye from Unsplash

Routine check-ups can identify thyroid problems early before they become worse. Blood tests for TSH, T3, and T4 levels give a good indication of your thyroid health. Early detection leads to better outcomes.

19. Be Aware of Symptoms

 Francisco Moreno from Unsplash Francisco Moreno from Unsplash

Fatigue, weight changes, and mood swings can be symptoms of thyroid problems. Be aware of these signs and seek medical advice if they persist. Awareness empowers you to take timely action.

20. Work with a Healthcare Provider

 National Cancer Institute from Unsplash National Cancer Institute from Unsplash

If you suspect thyroid issues, consult a specialist for personalized advice. They can guide you on the proper tests, treatments, and lifestyle adjustments. A proactive approach ensures long-term thyroid health.

Written by: Alyana Aguja


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