20 Ways to Reduce Body Swelling Naturally

Discover 20 natural ways to reduce body swelling and improve your overall well-being.

  • Chris Graciano
  • 4 min read
20 Ways to Reduce Body Swelling Naturally
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Poor circulation, high salt intake, or injury can all cause swelling, also known as edema. To address this condition naturally, one must make dietary and lifestyle modifications and include specific therapies. This article discusses 20 practical ways to reduce edema and restore comfort in daily life.

1. Stay Hydrated

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If you have excess sodium, drinking enough water helps flush it out. Aim for 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

2. Cut Back on Salt

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Sodium contributes to swelling by retaining water in the body. Instead of purchasing processed food, choose fresh options and season your food with herbs.

3. Elevate Affected Areas

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When you have swollen feet or legs, lifting them above your heart is a fantastic way to reduce fluid buildup. Of course, this also helps other body parts as well.

4. Eat Potassium-Rich Foods

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Bananas, spinach, and avocados are rich in potassium, which helps balance sodium levels in the body. They also prevent bloating and promote proper fluid regulation.

5. Use Compression Garments

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Compression socks or sleeves prevent fluid pooling in specific areas, such as legs or arms. They also help improve circulation.

6. Apply Cold Compresses

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Cold packs constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation. Use them for injuries or localized swelling for quick relief.

7. Get Moving

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Even a short walk can boost blood flow and prevent fluid retention. Physical activities help improve circulation and reduce edema.

8. Limit Alcohol Intake

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Though drinking in moderation is fine, too much promotes dehydration, which can worsen swelling.

9. Try Magnesium Supplements

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Magnesium reduces water retention and improves overall vascular health. However, always consult with your doctor before taking any supplement.

10. Incorporate Anti-Inflammatory Foods

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Consuming berries, turmeric, and ginger can help reduce swelling, as they have anti-inflammatory properties.

11. Soak in Epsom Salt Baths

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Epsom salts draw out excess fluid and ease swollen areas. Add a cup of salt to your warm bathwater and soak for 20 minutes.

12. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

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Controlled breathing can improve circulation and soothe stress-induced swelling. Dedicate a few minutes each day to breathe.

13. Massage the Affected Area

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When gently massaging a swollen area, it stimulates lymphatic drainage. To encourage blood flow to the heart, massage upwards.

14. Keep Your Feet Moving During Long Flights

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If you have a long flight ahead, constant sitting down will cause your feet and legs to swell. To avoid this, rotate your ankles, flex your toes, and walk down the aisle.

15. Opt for Loose Clothing


Tight clothes can restrict circulation and increase swelling. Choose breathable, relaxed fabrics, especially during long periods of sitting or travel.

16. Limit Processed Sugar

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When your sugar level spikes, it can cause inflammation and increase fluid retention. So, replace those sweet treats with healthier alternatives, like fruits.

17. Drink Herbal Teas

Emily Liang on Unsplash Emily Liang on Unsplash

Chamomile, green tea, or dandelion are natural diuretics. This means they will flush out excess water in your body, reducing swelling.

18. Get Plenty of Sleep

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Getting enough shut-eye helps your body manage inflammation. Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep.

19. Avoid Sitting or Standing Too Long

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Sitting or standing for an extended period can cause fluid buildup in the lower body. Therefore, it is essential to take breaks and stretch regularly.

20. Eat Foods High in Fiber

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Fiber-rich foods like oats, beans, and broccoli reduce bloating by supporting digestive health and helping prevent constipation-related swelling.

Written by: Chris Graciano


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