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15 Tech Predictions from the Past That Turned Out Completely Wrong

15 Tech Predictions from the Past That Turned Out Completely Wrong

History is filled with bold tech predictions that sounded convincing at the time but were ultimately completely off the mark.

10 Future Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet (But Will Soon)

10 Future Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet (But Will Soon)

As technology advances, entirely new careers will emerge—some of which sound like they were from science fiction.

7 Ways Virtual Reality Is Changing the World Beyond Gaming

7 Ways Virtual Reality Is Changing the World Beyond Gaming

Long connected to gaming, virtual reality (VR) provides immersive experiences that transport players to various environments. However, its uses are growing outside of entertainment and are starting to change many different fields, including business, education, and healthcare.

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15 Tech Predictions from the Past That Turned Out Completely Wrong

15 Tech Predictions from the Past That Turned Out Completely Wrong

History is filled with bold tech predictions that sounded convincing at the time but were ultimately completely off the mark.

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The 12 Most Bizarre Inventions That Somehow Exist

Inventors have made some unusual and unexpected things in history. Though usually entertaining, these strange ideas sometimes provide unexpected answers to common problems or highlight human inventiveness.

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